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How to Handle Class Imbalance

Alternate title: Help! My Classes are Imbalanced!

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The start of this story is that at one point I was in undergrad, and I was in this machine learning class (the first machine learning class I'd ever taken). And I was working on this Last.FM dataset trying to build a recommender system, because I've always thought it would be really cool to build a computer algorithm that can help you overcome information overload. And I thought this would be a cool way to try that. I started working on this little handwritten thing, and I was feeling pretty good about it. And then I walked into my professor's office and I said, "Hey, you're not gonna believe this. I have a 99% accuracy rating already, and I've barely even started."

And he doesn't react like I wanted to. I wanted him to be like, "Wow, you are a prodigy. This is amazing!" But what he actually says is, "OK, well, tell me a little bit more. What's the base rate of your problem?" And I say, "What was that?" And he says, "What would happen if you just predicted the most common class for everything? What if you just said nobody listens to anything?" So I tried that, and it turned out that that's exactly what the algorithm was doing. It was just saying nobody listens to anything. And we're getting 99% accuracy because there's so many artists in the world and there are so many people in the world that the intersection of that is going to be pretty small. So I was very sad about this. And eventually, I found a solution.

But the frustrating part about it was I kept running into this over and over and over again, this problem of class imbalance. So this is a talk that I wish I had when I was in undergraduate school before I walked into my professor's office and made myself look really stupid. I wish that I could have seen this.

Before we get started, I do work for Indeed. Every indeed presentation has this slide in it that says "We help people get jobs." If you like the idea of helping people get jobs, come talk to me. Today we're going to talk about class imbalance. This is the way in which we're going to do that:

So let's start off with what is class imbalance. Class imbalance happens when you have certain values of your target variable that are way more common than other values. For instance, this is a wine classification dataset. You may notice that there are orange points and there are blue points on this graph. And the orange points are way outnumbered by the blue points. We can say that this dataset exhibits class imbalance because there are way more blue points than there are orange points. There's a lot of things that can cause imbalance, and we're just going to walk through them because understanding them will help us understand the solutions there.

The first thing is there's just a lack of data. So this is a made up graph I have drawn. And let's say you have two features. One of them is on the x axis and one is on the y axis here. And then you have some points that are orange and some points that are blue. It's difficult to know -- where is the true blue region? Is it defined by an ellipse that covers both of these? Is it defined by a rectangle that covers that? Are there two separate ellipses? I don't know, there's just not a lot of data to really be able to infer that from what we have here. So that's part of the problem with this.

Another thing that can be problematic is overlapping. And this is from a paper I believe by Batista, where he and his co-authors talk about the fact that sometimes even if you have heavy degree of class imbalance. If you look at sort of the bottom right of this screen, there is an imbalance here -- you have way more blue points than orange points, but you can still draw a linear separator between these two things. So the problem isn't actually that bad. Really, because you can still separate them just fine. The problem only becomes worse when you start overlapping. And that's when you start to see these things more toward the top left. These points would be difficult to determine or distinguish one of them.

Noise is another important factor in why this happens. You can imagine that we have some blue region that is some set of points. And in the real world, you don't observe these regions, but for pedagogical reasons, go with me. So we have the blue region and orange region, we got some points, way more blue points and orange points. And just by the the sad law of large numbers, or our instruments being off or something, we measure these ones noisily. We accidentally think that these points are way higher than they actually are. And that means that we are going to incorrectly think that this is part of the majority class region (the blue region), when in truth it is part of the orange region. Because there were so many more blue points that we saw. We had a much better shot of reading some points. And they just got overwhelmed.

The one that I think is the most well theoretically justified is this idea of biased estimators. This comes from a paper that I have linked at the end of the slides by Wallace, Small, Brodley, and Trikalinos. It's called Class Imbalance, Redux. And it's just like, this really beautiful theory that they present. The crux of their argument is in this figure. Here they display a binary classification problem in two dimensions. So just along the x axis here will say that's our one feature. And then if it's an X, it's a minority class pointing. If it's a square, it's a majority class point, we can see there's a lot more squares and exits. And what they find is that you have, you don't actually have one distribution that you're drawing all the points from, you have two different distributions that you're driving From and you happen to see some from majority class a lot more often. So you're sampling a lot more out of this orange distribution than you are out of the blue pen. And ideally, in the greatest world or you can see where these distributions live, we could draw this beautiful idea of separating line and would perfectly to the best of our ability to separate these two areas. But because we have a class imbalance problem, the line gets biased toward the minority class it gets pushed in the direction the minority class and that means that we're going to accidentally cut off some of that region that should be part of the minority class and incorrectly allocated to be part of the majority class. So those are those are causes listed signee breath Okay, how do you recognize it the first thing just look for it like called on value counts, just know that it's happening because like, first time I ever ran this, it would think the check for I just assumed stuff, so don't make assumptions bad idea. The next thing you should do is compare stuff. This is a trick question. Everybody 97% accuracy. Is that good? Does anybody think? Anybody? If you Yeah, yeah, it's, I mean, when you compare it to this, like 97% for our fancy classifier, but 94% for a really dumb classifier, then it looks a little bit less impressive. It's like, Oh, we actually had an improvement of 3%. So one thing that that you can do, and that, like psychic learn provides is this API for a dummy classifier. And you can have to do a bunch of stuff, you can have a predict the most common class or just predict something at random. But I highly, highly recommend that when you run into a class imbalance problem. We're really whenever you run into a problem trying to stupid classifier that you can use to compare metrics and just sort of sanity check yourself. And this is like just just look at the next to each other and you'll realize oh, 97 isn't good, because 94 you can get by guessing.

This is the code for how to do that.

Basically, you just like import this stuff. And then you call fit and predict just like anything else, and you can look at the numbers and see for yourself how you're doing. So part of the problem with class imbalance. So far, all we really talked about is accuracy. And that is a huge part of the problem that we have is is accuracy just assumes that every area is the same, which is often not true. So let's use a medical example to really make this concrete, you can imagine that we might be scanning someone's brain for cancer, and we have images of malignant tumors and benign tumors. And we can make a mistake on either one. If we make a mistake on a benign tumor, that means we tell the patient Hey, we think your tumor might be cancerous,


going to need you to come in for some additional tests. And there is a cost associated with that, like they are going to be worried and their families probably going to be worried and they're going to have to pay more for the extra tests and your staff is going to have to run the extra tests like there is a real cost there. But it is very different from the cost of making a mistake in the Molina case if we see in the limit And we accidentally say that it is benign. We're going to send someone with cancer home and say, Oh, you're good, don't worry about it. And then they're probably going to die because they didn't get initial screening. That's obviously terrible. So what this means is that if you use accuracy, you are implicitly saying that the death of a human person is exactly as bad as cold calling someone in traditional tests. And that's obviously absurd that you have a question you both can be correct. Yeah, yeah. You can be incorrect in like both ways. Totally. Yep. So one set of metrics that people will often like to use is precision and recall. So on this little diagram, here, we have some false negatives and true negatives. What this means in our medical example is that for precision, what we're saying is, of all the tumors that I see, that I say are malignant, how many of those actually turned out to be malignant and then recall it saying All of those malignant tumors in the world, how many? Am I actually correctly identifying, as I recall sort of a way of knowing like, Am I pulling back out? Am I recalling the points that I particularly care about? Another set of metrics that you should use rather than accuracy is the receiver operating characteristic curve. And the gist of how you do this is you. Most classifiers can give you some sort of probability or decision function. And then you can vary a threshold from zero to one, and then calculate surely false positive rates and you put them on this curve. This is nice because it lets you sort of think about how good is this model for various levels of a threshold and it sort of tells you implicitly about how well your model is ranking points against each other. And this is a method recommended by CNET in May and their paper about our seniors, and they find that when you don't know how bad the two alternatives are It's really good to use an rz curve because it sort of, you aren't required to know those things in advance. So for instance, if you don't know, is it worse for a user to see a job that they don't want to apply to? Or is it worse for a user to not see a job that they do want to apply to, like, kind of hard to figure out like one of those is twice as bad as the other, and as you don't know, is often a good place to use the area. And of course, the last thing I'll note on metrics when your accountability metrics and hope depression, by the you know, a way to fix that, if you do know the cause, yes, we will talk about that in a little bit. If you do know the cost, there are techniques that you can use for sure. And we'll talk about those in a second. So the last thing I'll mention on metrics is to be really careful with the way that you do your training and testing splits. So there's this really interesting paper that I didn't have time to put into this because it came out this year. But it's by like, the lead author is a person named Luke. UQ up and is like the slides. And they do some really rigorous research on the way that various metrics are affected by imbalance and changes in the balance.

And the gist is

that a lot of the metrics that you care about are probably going to be very different just based on the prevalence of the minority class. So if you just by random happenstance happen to get a test split, where there's 5% of the minority class versus woman 10% of the minority class, you're going to see dramatically different error numbers for those two different things. And that's not necessarily reflective of some sort of underlying truth. It's more of a reflection of the bias inherent in certain metrics. So would you want to what I would highly recommend you do is when you're doing training, interesting splits do a stratified split, where you make sure that you have a very similar prevalence of the minority class in each area in each slit. Okay, a lot of stuff. We'll talk about how to solve this problem. There's a lot of different things you can do. The first thing you can do is kind of like eat your vegetables like everyone knows it's a good idea to your vegetables. I'm like, I was eating tamales, you know, I, I know that I need to eat more spinach. And I know that it's good for me, it's gonna make me Make me last longer in life. And that's kind of what this is gathering more data is kind of the your vegetables like this is going to help you. It's it's good, but it kind of sucks. So if you can't do that, or if you don't want to do that there's a bunch of other techniques that will actually be the bulk of this discussion. This is sort of a taxonomy that is described in this really good survey paper by branko, torgo and Ribera, where they talk about three different ways that the research has kind of thought about addressing this problem. Those three being pre processing, special purpose learners, and prediction, post processing. So we'll go through each of those in this little chunk here. First pre processing. When we talk about pre processing, we are basically talking about taking our data set and either making more points or making fewer points, like changing the district Of these things versus each other.

So we're going to talk about oversampling. First,

in oversampling, what you do is you take the data that you have, and you make more minority class points, you can do that in a number of ways. The first way that I have up here is random, you just you just like take some points, and you just duplicate them in your data set. It's difficult to see that that's happening, because these points are all on top of each other. And this is in two dimensions. We don't have our fancy 3d glasses that are, you know, zoom into this. But in the other examples, you can see more clearly what's going on. Where in smoke for instance, they're creating new minority class points.

So smote is a technique that is used for

over sampling of the minority class. And this is sort of the algorithm of how do you do that? What you do, you take some minority class point, and then you find its k nearest neighbors, which you can, you know, hyper parameters or just figure out what the optimal value for K is. And then you pick a point is some percentage of the way between those points. So your interpolating points to making new points is the

idea, you keep doing this until you reach the level of balance that you want.

The way that you choose the point the the way that you choose which of your neighbors to interpolate between matters, and that's an area that has been researched further, the original paper just did it randomly. And that's what this smoke diagram he's here. But there's been like updates and further research on this where people tend to find that nadesan is a really good alternative, where instead of just picking randomly, you try to pick points that are closer to the decision boundary. And so you can kind of see that there's a lot of points on this smoke diagram towards the bottom. And like, we already know that the bottom is blue on this diagram, where we might need more help is when you're getting closer to those orange points up for the top, and that's what a disinterested do. You can also go the other way. So that's a oversampling idea. And that was your question. Yeah. So the whole Sunday is right. Good morning. Oh, that's automatically class. So how is it really gonna affect the decision? Because the team about this mistake as it is because they're just really morning for the minority class? Yeah, I have, I have some diagrams that I can use to explain this in a sec. And the gist is that, that thing really can't earlier with the two sort of lines in line getting pushed toward the minority class, when you have more of those minority class points that are able to sort of fight back and push the point that that separating boundary away from that, and then there are some diagrams I can show you in a second.


so understanding is the other way you can go.

And coming back to our idea of noisy here. I want to remind you that if we zoom in on this little section, we're going to see these two points next to each other. And the insight of this particular technique is to say that if we have two points right next to each other, that are different classes, we probably measured one with noise and this I'm gonna be honest with you is a total Life here is like not a bad thing. It's just like probably, you know, probably. So in automatically when you're using them as an understanding technique, you just take the one for the minor from the majority class and throw it away, you're just like, Yeah, that one's probably not legit, let's just not care about it. And so that's an idea that you can do. The other thing you can do is way simpler, just randomly throw a points out the majority class until you get to some closer and some closer approximation of balance. And that's actually what the that's what the Wallace paper argues for. They find that these green lines here are sort of what happens when you when you under sample to get to a balance point. And you can do that in a number of different ways. And you can see that you get a lot of different planes like if you happen to throw a certain point it could draw, you could end up drying your plane in a different spot. And so that can lead to different amounts of error in each For each plane, but the nice thing is that all of these planes are less biased than the original one that we, that we inferred. So like this purple line that I had here was our original biased estimator. And all these green ones are at least less biased than that. Now it does suck that the error metrics are going to be different for all of them. And in the face of this variance, the authors just suck it up. And they're like, All right, here's what we're going to do, we're going to bag things together because value is a great way to trade off bias and variance. So we're just going to like, you know, sell some sell some bias and gains, you know, gain a little bit on our various strengths. So you can take your data set and understand play it under sampling in a bunch of different ways, and then diving classifiers further and get a more performance model. If you're gonna do any of this, I highly recommend this. And if you are using Python, then use imbalance learn because they implement a lot of this stuff for you. Okay, now, the deep breath pre processing Great, and it's not so great. So let's talk about when it's good when it's bad. It's great because the libraries already exists for a lot of this stuff, which is nice. It also kind of like gets the model closer to what you're looking for, it undoes some of that bias that we see from the, the sort of Wallace paper. Now, this isn't really a good or bad thing, but it does change the cost of training your model. So if you imagine that you have so much data that you can barely fit on your computer. If you're going to start oversampling, that data, you're going to have too much data and you won't be able to train your model or even, it's just going to make your model train longer. By contrast, if you are under sampling data, you're probably going to have faster model train times because you have less data. So that's not really good or bad things just need to be aware of when you're doing this technique. Now, it can be kind of difficult to apply this because you don't always know what level of balance you want to get to, like should I go to, you know, where it's instead of 1% it's percentages, I try to go straight to balance, it's not always clear. And you kind of have to explore that and experiment with that to figure out what the right thing is a second way this can be difficult to apply. If you think back to that smoked example, that was kind of dealing with real valued or floating point numbers, you can imagine if we had categorical data, it would be kind of difficult to do that. And that's when like, if you're doing the word count vectors or something, like what does it even mean to have point seven of the word apple in a documents like What does that even mean? So there are things to try to there are sort of adaptations of the algorithm to deal with categorical data. But their lesson, I'll say, Okay, next up on terms of various solutions to this problem, special purpose learners. You've probably already seen this, if you haven't looked at the documentation for any of your libraries. I just went through and found some of my favorite algorithms and copied the sort of doc string or the doc mutation and the highlighted a bunch of these have a way to sort of specify a class week. And what this is doing is depends, you know, it various models who do different things. So in three models, so this is going to affect is first of all the impurity calculations. So when you're going through and trying to figure out what feature Should I split on the impurity calculations, we get weighted based on the waiting nice, that's fine. And the other thing it'll affect is voting time at prediction. So if, for instance, you say that our minority class should count for

twice of the majority class, then if you get to the bottom of your, your tree, and you get to a leaf, and there is one majority class point and one minority class point, the minority class, by the way, because it has two votes, and the majority class one only has one vote. You know, it's different in different places, for SVM, so what this kind of does is push the hyperplane that it learns away from the minority class and this is cool because it kind of does the same thing of undoing Be undoing that bias that the walls paper talks about. And they find actually that doing this week, this week based minimization is very similar to doing like an over sampling technique, and does the same thing, it will just regression where it just sort of wins back some points for the minority class. In k nearest neighbors, it changes the distance metric. And then like whatever else that changes whatever else, like every different algorithm waiting the way in the minority class is going to do something different. And that's, that's, you know, cool because there's all sorts of interesting things you can go off and learn about, but it also sucks because it means there's all sorts of interesting things that you could go off and learn about. So instead of talking about every single different thing that that class waiting does was talking about when this works and when it doesn't. That way. If you're in into this situation, you can think okay, should I do last week? So, the research that I have read finds that when you have a really highly recommended Waiting is less effective. This is from that Wallace paper and they basically just say like when we have a lot more imbalance the chance that using this waiting technique is going to work is just less effective and it's going to be more effective with more data this is where the whole feature spinach thing comes back in because more data is always going to make this better. And they they have a like actual like really good theory backs like equation theory of imbalance that they draw this reasoning friend and I highly recommend you very if you're gonna read one of these papers is the last one in my opinion, because they haven't really interesting stuff to say. So good things bad things on special purpose is very sort of two thirds of the way through these right now. Jim Christian Yes. Yeah, that was so fun, more data. Data is embedded so is waiting because Let me see if it is effective for Right. Yeah. Yeah, so the question the question sort of being, if I have a lot of data and I had my main balance, like, what what do I like? Is it going to be good or not? And I think, like, well, this doesn't really make an argument for what happens in both cases, it just says for a fixed value, they say that for a fixed value

of imbalance, so let's

say you have a dataset where only 1% is in the minority class, if you just get more points class rating will start to become more effective. And then it will also say that if you ever given data set size, and one day is that happens to have 10% versus 1%, the 10% that is that is going to have better results from using class waiting. Okay, good things, bad things, good things. It directly addresses the issue. Bad things you have to still know like, what is your cost benefit here? Which points do you care about more and how much do you care about certain points at other points, it's nice that this works when you have a lot of data or when you are a little bit closer to balance. But if you don't already have this class waiting idea in the algorithm, it's going to suck, you're going to have to really get a deep understanding of the algorithm. Maybe write your own implementation of it and figure out like, Okay, what part of this algorithm is suffering from bias? And how can I do that? And that's difficult to do? Sometimes. Okay, so the last kind of group of techniques that they talked about is prediction post processing. And there's two things I want to talk about here. First, is threshold selection. So oftentimes, when I ran into a class imbalance problem, my first thought is, can I just turn this into a ranking problem and not have to have to worry about this so much? Where you might think of something like I want to send an email that has 10 jobs to a user, the 10 jobs I think they are most likely to like in that case, you know, the user probably We'd only likes point 1% of the jobs that you know about because they work in an industry. But you don't really need to worry about that too much if you can rank the jobs against each other. And if one has a, you know, point 05 percent chance of them liking it, and that will rank above a lot of the other stuff. And so you can pick the top 10 in terms of whatever criteria you have. If you can't do that, though, it is foolish to just use the default threshold that's like it gives you so you should very specifically choose the threshold that you want to use to optimize your metrics. So if you have to specifically pick that number of like, what percentage chance do I need to choose where above that point, I'm going to call someone back for their cancer screening. You need to pick that number really carefully. The gist of how you would do this is you would get the probability output of your model, and then figure out what metrics you care about. I put precision and recall on the screen Because we talked about them earlier, but you can use whatever it is the metric that you haven't they care about. And you want to vary that threshold and measure the various metrics that you care about. And you can then look at this and make an informed human decision on what you want to do. So we imagine, in this grain cancer case, we are probably willing to sacrifice precision for recall, we are willing to accidentally call some people back that are just fine, because we would rather do that then let someone who has cancer go on No. But there's other cases where it's exactly the opposite. Like, if I am trying to like, like fingerprint into my phone, the the, the cost of me missing it is like I get a little annoyed that the cost of someone you know, getting into my phone, and that not being actually me is there's a lot because they're going to get in there and they're going to read my memes and tell me they're not funny and that's gonna hurt my feelings. I'm gonna have to go with their first one last night on this. Don't use your head. Set to do this, like do some sort of like crash validation thingy over your training set, but don't use your tests that are also overfit your test set. And that'll be really sad. And the other post processing technique that people talk about is an idea of cost based classification, this more directly gets to this idea of there being direct costs for a false positive and a false negative. There's a couple papers here, we're just going to talk about the senior and a paper where what they essentially find is when you have an RFC curve, each point on that will correspond with some sort of threshold like that's the threshold for, you know, point six, four, if there's a 64% chance of this person having a having cancer will call them back right. And we have a true positive rate and a false positive rate. We can use that to calculate costs with this formula. It's not as scary as it looks. The gist is we take the probability of it being in a negative class and multiply that by the cost of a false positive and then multiply that by a number we can read off with our secret

And then we read, basically we do the same thing, but for the positive class. So we figure out how big is the positive class, what is the cost of making a false negative, and then read this number off of the RFC curve. So then we can sort of add all this stuff together, read these numbers off. And the sort of these orange numbers here I have put into signify we have a case where the minority class is 10% of the data set. And then I have had these blue numbers in here to say that a false positive is five times as bad as a false negative, I happen to know that my priority I can plug these numbers in, we can calculate these these values of cost or different thresholds and then choose the one that is the best one, and in this case, 3.6, for that. So going back to that equation really quick, in my correct understanding that the costs if they can be expressed in relative terms, any set of integers or floats that have that, that how that relationship works. So you don't necessarily need to express the costs in real life. You can just say A false positive versus false negative is x is x times worth more or less costly? Yes, yes, you're exactly correct that before. So this formula doesn't like these don't need to be real life costs. They could be if you happen to know that a false positive costs your company's $7, and the false name cause it to you could use that. But if you do, you can also just like, come up with some thing. I'm gonna say this is five times it's worse than five times a bad or whatever. And those can be whatever numbers you want. Yeah. Anyway, so then you pick the one with the lowest cost. And that's the threshold to us. I want to point out this is different from the idea of special purpose learners. And so the first couple times I did this, this is a little confusing, and I realized, because I didn't talk about it, so they're different. The idea of special purpose learners is that you're modifying the algorithm to have this idea of waiting built into it in cost base conservation when we're trying to choose the right threshold. We're doing this after we've already changed the algorithm. raft regarding training model. And because of that, this means that we can use it out of the box of almost any model as long as it provides some sort of probability output or some sort of decision function, which is very nice and means you don't have to go fiddling about with the interior of every single model that doesn't have this bacon. So good things, bad things for prediction, post processing, is pretty straightforward. It's just like, pick the threshold. That's the best one. It's, it's a, it's a simple idea to explain. And it kind of gets at what we're looking for, which is to try to optimize our metrics for some value. And it is also nice that you can use it with almost anything because most models provide some sort of position function. A problem is that you is that this is not really studied a whole lot in specifically imbalanced domains. Like the the survey paper that I am referencing for a lot of this, they only found two papers that even talked about this and neither of those were specifically about class of balance issues. So, a lot of things, right like let's talk about just some some highlights here, hit some some recommendations. Well, I think based on what I read and what I have done in my life, and here's some some things I think about. I kind of think about this like a Maslow's hierarchy of needs, like you need to have like clean air and water before you start worrying about food. And then once you can worry about foods and not worry about shelter, like eventually you get a runs up and you start caring about, you know, your therapists, calming you down from having bad names. So the the first level here I would say is just establish some sort of baseline like a train that dummy classifier, train something stupid, and compare it to your actual metrics. Unless you have a good reason otherwise, which you very well night. If you don't know what to use, I would recommend using the area under the RF seeker because it is unbiased in these situations for a very specific meaning of law biased. The next thing up from that is if you can try using classmates like just try it Saying that your minority class is a certain amount more important. If your model if your algorithm supports that. And then from there, I would recommend picking your threshold smart. Like don't just use point five. That's probably not the right answer. It might be, but it probably isn't. Once you get to that, like if you're trying to eat more performance out, or you're trying to address something else, I would say at this point, start using a random sampling technique. We talked about fancy methods, we talked about smoke, we talked about Tomek links.

The research did not bear those out as being super great.

So the Wallace paper actually, they make a really strong recommendations that in almost all inbound scenarios, practitioners should bag classifiers ever induced or unbalanced bootstrap samples. And then there's another paper by Battista proxy and modar, where they find that random oversampling is really competitive to these really more complex over sampling techniques like smoke. Which these kind of seem to disagree because one says always understand one the other says always oversample my way of justifying this to myself is that the Battista paper doesn't take into account this bagging element they just do under sampling. It's I think there's a lot of variance in what they're seeing, because they're not doing this bagging. Yeah. So But either way, just try the random methods first, because they're probably good enough. And only once you've tried doing that, do I think it makes any sense to start worrying about smoke or any of these really complicated techniques? Because really, at that point, you probably have a bigger problem that can be solved by just some fancy algorithm. It's, it's you need to go find more data. You need to figure something else out.